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As I write this My Gamecocks just beat Vanderbilt 21-3 making them 4-0 and UNDEFEATED!!  As it is now Clemsux Clemson is also undefeated and this November should be very interesting!!

Have you noticed the world has gone crazy for PUMPKIN lately?? Cake, ice cream, lattes….BAGELS?!!

Publix Pumpkin Pie ice cream

Pumpkin Spice Bagels!!!

Thank you all soo much for the get well wishes!!! You have no idea how much that means to me!! Most of the swelling is gone and hopefully within the next week the rest will go as well!! Please keep it in your prayers.

The only thing that has really bugged me is this new diet. I feel like im starving all the time!! It’s not even a weight loss calorie level, it’s just normal.  I guess it’s because I’ve been overeating for so many months, eating normally doesn’t feel like enough. I’m hoping my tummy will adjust soon. I refuse to give in!!

okay so enough with the bad news. This weekend was Parents Weekend at school , and Columbia was invaded with freshman parents!! That means our already usually busy restaurant was OUT OF CONTROL last night!! In 6 hours we sat 639 people (maybe more)!! We locked the doors at 11 pm and people still wanted in!

I didn’t even get to leave until 1 am and I got there to help set up at 3!! The good news in all this?? My tip share!!

Oh heyyy there new running shoes 🙂

Hopefully I’ll get back to running this week if the swelling continues to go down! I wish I had more time to write because I had the most amazing conversation yesterday with a youth director at my church and I cant wait to share!! Unfortunately I have to be at work early in the morning to set up for the festival downtown.

Whats your favorite way to eat pumpkin? Mine is still my grandma’s pumpkin pie!! But all of these recipes come in a close second!!